How do we Safeguard Children?

Safeguarding of children is the highest priority in Prudhoe Castle First School and as a result, we have two Designated Teachers for Child Protection and they always have their training up to date. All members of staff receive safeguarding training and new staff are well inducted.

There is also a Designated Person for Looked After Children. Written records are kept in a locked filing cabinet and information is shared with other agencies where it is appropriate to do so.

The school would, if necessary involve the Local Authority Designated Officer or work with the Local Authority to ensure that appropriate action is always taken. We work closely with other agencies who also have a responsibility within safeguarding such as Social Services, the Education Welfare Officer, School Health and Northumbria Police.

Attendance is monitored carefully to ensure that children do not go missing in education and access their educational entitlement.

All staff are trained in Safeguarding including e-safety and staff sign ‘Acceptable Use’ policies for social media and electronic devices. Staff receive ‘in house’ child protection training in addition to that of the Local Authority. They are aware of the main policies pertaining to Child Protection including that of ‘whistleblowing’. Staff induction also includes training on how to assess and manage risk and all risk assessments are signed off by Senior Managers. Incidents and accidents are recorded and graphs are produced to enable us to track issues and take action as required.

All visitors must sign in to school and, once in can only gain access if allowed through the locked door by the office staff. Anyone working in school who is not a member of school staff is subject to scrutiny prior to working within school and an up to date DBS is required. The Office keeps stringent records in relation to this. Anyone working within school without a current DBS must be identified so that staff are fully aware that this person cannot work alone with children.

School Governors do regular Health and Safety checks in school.