Welcome to Early Years!

Our happy unit starts with our 2 year old provision.  The 2 year olds spend some of their morning learning together with the older children but we also have plenty of time during the day when the children learn with their own age group in their own class.  Our 2 year old room is set up to be home from home with a comfy sofa, a cosy rug and lots of lovely areas to explore.  Our 2 year olds are with us for the morning between 8.45 and 11.45.

Your Early Years teachers this year are Mrs Pearson, Ms Noonan, Ms Robson, Ms Armstrong and Mrs Robinson.  The children in Nursery and Reception learn together across both of our exciting and stimulating classrooms.  Every day we will have separate reading and phonics times to ensure children are learning at their appropriate developmental stage.

Our principal communication will be via tapestry so please check regularly for updates and photographs and do send us messages if you have any questions or comments.  We love to see your family photos so please snap away and upload onto Tapestry.  The children love this!  We will also update this blog each week with main news events so please do share our link with family so that everyone who knows your child can share their experiences.

We are delighted to be welcoming your children into our classes and are looking forward to a great year!

Mrs Pearson x

Two Year Old Welcome Letter 2022

Long Term Plan EYFS 2022 – 2023

Reading Diary Letter

Welcome Letter for EYFS 2022


Spring Term 2023


Welcome back to school!  We have been enjoying looking at all the pictures on Tapestry of the children’s adventures.  Great fun!  They really love standing at the front talking about them to their friends so do keep them coming!

We have started our new topic all about growing and changing which the children are enjoying.  This week we are looking at farm animals and different types of farms.  We have been talking about how grown up we are now that we are  no longer babies!

We enjoyed making our toast in Reception and Nursery.  Delicious!  We loved having Millie and Ava to help us this week and hope they can come back soon.  Mrs Gibbon has been popping in and out of our class and getting to know us all.


This week has been assessment week!

Our 2 year olds have been busy working on their personal targets and wowing us with their achievements!  Our nursery children have been showing us how they have learned so much about sounds, numbers and the world around them.  The Reception children have been reviewing their phase 2 and phase 3 phonics and showing us how they can apply them when reading and writing.  Amazing!

In humanities we compared the rainforest to Prudhoe and looked at all the animals and plant life we would see in the Amazon!

We were sad to say goodbye to Mrs Jacobs but we are all looking forward to welcoming Mrs Gibbon after the holidays.  Have a great half term everyone!


We are enjoying our new topic all about fairy tales and traditional tales.  We have a big box of books in our classroom and the children have enjoyed hearing the same stories over and over again!

We have been learning about life in the desert and have compared our country to a typical desert village looking at the vast expanses of sand and how homes have a flat roof  and smaller windows.  We also looked at plant and animal life and made our own palm trees!