We understand that Transition can be a very challenging time for all young people but it is especially so for children with SEND. We have a strong school community that ensures children have the necessary support throughout the year. We understand changing classes or year groups can be a challenge for all pupils, but especially for pupils with SEND. Our teachers ensure there is a smooth transition from all year groups,  which may include visits, parent consultations, outside support and appropriate progress records.

We also have very strong links with the schools in the local area. We work closely with both middle schools, we plan in advance when we think additional transition work is required. This work follows the pattern outlined above and is very successful.

All pupils get the chance to visit the middle schools with their families and then they have up to two visits to the school, with teachers visiting them in their own school. We have a streamlined system of ensuring pupils move to the middle school with the correct information about their progress which allows them to continue to make excellent progress in Year 5.

For pupils with SEND the conversation around transition will usually begin in the autumn term, where we reassure parents/carers that a strong system is in place. In the spring term we will liaise with the middle school SENDCO to arrange any additional work that may be required. This is usually covered by additional visits where pupils go as detectives and bring back their discoveries to share with the rest of the class. The additional transition work can take as long or as little time as necessary, this depends on the feedback we receive.

Once the children have moved to Year 5, we continue to talk to the middle school about the pupils progress and help with advice if issues do arise. This has always been successful and we are very proud of how well are children make the move to middle school.