Uniforms (especially sweatshirts and cardigans) with the school logo on are preferred and can be purchased locally or online from  SALTO or online from My Clothing. Alternatively unbranded items can be purchased from other suppliers providing they conform with the school colours: Burgundy sweatshirts/cardigans and light blue polo shirts.

The Prudhoe Castle First School uniform consists of:

    • Burgundy sweatshirt or cardigan embroidered with the school logo (available from SALTO)
    • White or blue shirt or polo shirt
    • Grey trousers, dress or skirt
    • Black or Grey tights
    • Black school shoes (no trainers, platform soles, high heels, ugg type boots or open toed footwear. Shoes must be safe and sensible for playground and indoor use.)
    • In summer: a blue gingham dress with white socks can be worn

PE Kit  


  • White, round neck school t-shirt , printed with the school logo (available from SALTO)

  • Black Shorts

  • Black slip on plimsolls with elastic or Velcro fastening


  • Black or navy jogging bottoms

  • White round neck school t-shirt, printed with the school logo (Available form SALTO)

  • Burgundy hoodie with school logo (available from SALTO)

  • Trainers

PE Kit should be kept in School over the course of each half term in a named PE bag.

School bags

Large holdalls and rucksacks should not be brought into school.

Book bags are available from Salto which are suitable for books and homework. PE equipment should be brought to school in a drawstring bag. Any other type of bag brought to school should be flat when empty so that the cloakrooms are not overcrowded.

Naming of Uniform and lost property 

Please make sure that all your child’s clothes are clearly labelled with their name and class. The school will endeavour to reunite lost named items with their owners. Unnamed lost property will be disposed of at the end of each term.


Some hair accessories can be dangerous in an activity which involves physical contact; therefore for Health and Safety reasons, hair accessories should be simple and practical. Extreme hairstyles such as drastic colour changes or shaved patterns are not acceptable.


Pupils may wear a simple watch, which should be removed during practical or physical lessons. Earrings are not permitted; pupils who have their ears pierced may wear small plastic inserts only. Children must be able to remove their own earrings when requested.

Mobile Phones 

Children are not permitted to bring a mobile phone into school.

The School Uniform policy is an integral part of the school’s commitment to equality and inclusion. The Governing Body believes the school uniform policy allows all pupils to establish a shared identity and celebrate what they have in common, whilst respecting diversity.

We ask all parents to support the School Uniform policy.

It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their child has the correct uniform and that it is clean and in good repair. The help, support and cooperation of the parents implementing this policy is greatly appreciated.

We are open virtually

If you need to order a school uniform, simply visit www.saltouk.com

For any enquiries please contact us via our Facebook page or email us at [email protected]

We look forward to welcoming you into our shop when we re-open soon!

Prudhoe Castle First School Uniform Policy

Second Hand Uniform

We keep a small stock of second hand uniform in school and from time to time will hold a ‘Second Hand Uniform Sale’ at affordable prices. Any proceeds raised from the sale of Uniform will go towards school resources.