Welcome to Prudhoe Castle First School Fundraisers

…otherwise know as our school’s Parent and Teacher Association (PTA). The PTA brings together parents and teachers to organise events and activities to raise money and make a difference for our children.

Committee membership is open to any parent, carer, guardian or grandparent of a pupil attending the school, and teaching or non-teaching members of staff.

We welcome new members at any time in the year – and joining the PTA gives you an opportunity to be more involved in school life, even if you only have a small amount of time available.

Our success depends on getting people involved in a wide range of activities and we welcome EVERYONE’s ideas and feedback on events and fundraising opportunities.
Our PTA meetings are open to anyone to attend or you can get in touch via the School Office.

We are a lively and friendly bunch and aim to put the FUN into Fundraising! Read more about our past events, fundraising, our members and plans for this year.

As the school year progresses please check back for updates on what events are planned and what we hope to be raising money for.

Reasons to join PCFS PTA

If you have not yet discovered the joy of helping our school’s parent teacher association please have a think about it. Its a great way to help our school and our kids.