Welcome to Key Stage Two!

Your teachers this year are Miss Paisley and Mrs Bell.

Our principal communication will be via Seesaw so please check regularly for updates and upload any multiplication, reading or any other activities you complete at home. We love looking at these in class! If you have any questions or comments please send us a message. We will also update this school blog each week with activities the children have been completing so please do share our link with family so that everyone can celebrate their achievements.

Please could you send your child to school with their reading book, book to share and reading journal every day. They will receive 2 new books on a Friday which will be a reading book and a library book.

We are delighted to be welcoming your children into our class and are looking forward to a great year!

Miss Paisley and Mrs Bell x

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Key Stage 2 Long Term Plan A

Spring 2


Spring Term 2023

KS2 were amazing at following the recipe to make WW2 cookies today! We had to be careful while chopping using the claw and bridge grip and grating.

We have been looking at how sound travels in different mediums and what sound wave looks like. We did an experiment to see what would happen to the rice on a separate bowl if you hit the drum.