The role of the Local Governing Board School Governor is demanding but very rewarding and is a good way to give back to the local community. Our Local Governing Board works alongside the Headteacher and is responsible for the quality of education in our school and the personal development, behaviour and welfare of pupils and staff. Together with the Headteacher, who is responsible for day-to-day leadership, they set the school’s aims and policies and monitor progress towards targets set.

Our Local Governing Board is an integral part of the school and you will see many of the members around school during the year. We have termly Full Governing Board meetings with an agenda set by the Cheviot Trust Board, and termly interim meetings with an agenda set by the Local Governing Board and the school.

As well as Local Governing Board meetings, each member of the Local Governing Body has a specific area of responsibility, linked to statutory requirements or the School Development Plan. Areas of responsibility are monitored across the year through discussions with key staff and pupils and learning walks.

As we are part of the Cheviot Learning Trust our Chair of Governors meets with the CEO regularly to discuss priorities. This is then fed into the Trust Board Meeting. A member of the Trust Board is also allocated to our Full, Local Governing Board meetings.

We have two Parent Governors and they serve a four year term. When vacancies occur all parents are informed and invited to submit nominations for vacant positions.

Cheviot Learning Trust Governance